Jumat, 08 April 2011


Participants’ Guidelines

How to participate:
  1. The participants must submit the following to the Committee:
a.       The hard copy of the story (3 copies) which they will tell at the qualifying round in technical meeting.
ü  Participants must select two different stories to tell at the competition – one for the qualifying round and another for the Finals, if they are short listed.
ü  Topic used for final round differs from the one that are used in preliminary. All participants must prepare to precede final round.
b.      All participants require submitting a hardcopy of their stories (3 copies) for final round in competition’s break time if they are short listed, including their sources, for both their stories to the Committee.

Rules during the Competition:
  1. Each participant must come at least 30 minutes before the competition begins.
  2. Each participant must stay at the competition venue until the competition ends and must remain silent when another participant is delivering his/her story, unless by any of the committee’s permission.
  3. None of the participants is allowed to read any story text or keynote when delivering the story.
  4. Participants may not invent a story although they may improvise and tell the story in their own style.
  5. Each participant will be called three times in a row based on his/her turn (first chance).
  6. Participants who don’t come up after being called three times (first chance) will be put on the last turn (second chance).
  7. Participants who don’t come on the second chance will be disqualified.
  8. Participants may opt to use actions, props or costumes, at their own expense, to help to bring their stories to life.
  9. A green flag will be raised up by the timekeeper as a sign for the participant to start delivering the story.
  10. In preliminary round, each participant has maximum time of 8 minutes to deliver his/her story.
  11. In preliminary round, each participant has maximum time of 10 minutes to deliver his/her story.
  12. A yellow flag will be raised on the 2 minutes left.
  13. On the last minute, time keeper will raise the red flag up as a warning for the participant that the time is up.
  14. 15 seconds will be given as a tolerance time right after the time is up.
  15. The tolerance time will be a consideration for score lessening. Thus every second past the tolerance time will reduce the score.
  16. Scoring criteria:
a.       Matter (40%)
ü  Grammar
ü  Vocabulary
ü  Story substances
ü  Pronunciation
b.      Performance (60%)
ü  Interaction (stage act, inc. eye contact, costume, equipments)
ü  Intonation
ü  Expression (including body language)
ü  Punctuality of time
  1. Every rule has to be followed. Disqualification is necessary for every participant who doesn’t abide the rule.

Senin, 04 April 2011



1.      THB Free markets rather than more government intervention, are the solution to the current economic crisis
2.      THBT Industrial Policy always fail
3.      THW penalize corporations that waste food
4.      THW legalize the sale of human organs

1.      THW impose the ones who say “go green” to do go green
2.      THBT The leader of  irresponsible factory should be given death penalty
3.      THW not prioritize economic than environment
4.      THBT government Should encourage biofuels as a better alternative on regulations and subsidy

1.      THBT mandatory military service should include women
2.      THBT 1st world feminism has betrayed her sisters in the 3rd world
3.      THW Ban All form of transgender in Indonesia

Law and Human RIGHT
1.      THW ban the media from airing opinions on ongoing court trials
2.      THBT every criminal defendant should be required to use a government provided defense lawyer

International politics
1.      THBT Unite State  act in Libya is an unjustifiable military intervention on civil war
2.      THW  Ban Nuclear at All cost

Minggu, 03 April 2011


Tema Story Telling
Preliminary Round:
English Folklores
English Legends
English Myth

Final Round:
World Explorers
World Inventors

Tema Speech Contest
1.     Save Our Ozone Now on
2.     This House Should Prevent Corruption Early
3.     Decreasing Poverty by Education
4.     Proud to be Indonesian

Dear all participants
1.     Peserta story telling harus sudah menyerahkan soft copy story selambat-lambatnya tanggal 09 April 2011 lewat email (www.sec_eros@ymail.com) atau  langsung ke panitia.
2.     Motion Debat akan dipost pada hari senin 04 April 2011
3.     Tema Newscasting akan diberikan pada waktu Technical Meeting (09 April 2011) pukul 13.30 WIB
4.     Semua Peserta wajib mengikuti TM
5.     Keputusan Juri dan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
6.     Peserta  yang dianggap tidak mematuhi tata acara akan dikenai denda.

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

seminar internasional

TAHUN 2011


Ruang Rapat Utama Rektorat UNIB, 9 April 2011

Kemajuan teknologi informasi khususnya sejak pertengahan tahun 90-an telah membawa pengaruh yang sangat besar pada tatanan dunia. Arus informasi dan mobilitas manusia sudah semakin sulit dibatasi. Fenomena tersebut juga memberi pengaruh terhadap penggunaan bahasa sebagai alat utama dalam berkomunikasi, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.
Realitas diatas menjadi peluang sekaligus tantangan bagi seorang calon dan atau guru bahasa inggris dalam meningkatkan profesionalitasnya sebagai pedidik.
Menyikapi fenomena diatas, Himagris (Himpunan Mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris) akan menyelenggarakan seminar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
Meningkatkan profesionalitas guru bahasa Inggris
Seminar dengan tema  Improving English Teacher Profesionalism in Facing Global Movement

1.    Mahasiswa        
a.       Reguler*               : Rp. 35.000,-
b.      Pasca Sarjana       : Rp. 150.000,-
c.    Guru/Umum               : Rp. 150.000,-
d.    Pemakalah
a.       Guru SMP/SMA  : Rp. 200.000,-
b.      Dosen                   : Rp. 300.000,-
*Fasilitas : Seminar kit (Bag, CD materi*,
  sertifikat,* snack*, note book*, makan siang)

Hari/tanggal     :  Sabtu, 9 April 2011
Waktu               : 08.00- selesai
Tempat              : Ruang Rapat Utama
   Rektorat UNIB
1.      Dr. Emilia binti Abdullah (Universiti of  Sains Malaysia)
2.      Associate Prof. Abbas Ali Rezaee (University of Teheran, Iran)
3.      Dr. Ananto (Kepala Biro Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kemendiknas)
4.      Regional English Language Office (RELO Kedutaan U.S)*
1. Topik
*      ICT in English Language Classroom
*      Project Based Teaching and Learning
*      Peer Learning
*      Colaborative Language Learning
* jika akan menyajikan topic lain mohon
    konfirmasi ke panitia
2. Prosedur  Makalah
*      Judul berkaitan dengan tema dengan abstrak masimal 150-250 kata
*      Keseluruhan makalah maksimal 3000 kata.
*      Kertas A4, margin (top 3, down 3, right 2, left 4)
*      Spasi 1,5
*      Huruf  Time New Roman ukuran 12
*      Data makalah lengkap dikirim ke email : sec_eros@ymail.com Paling lambat tanggal 1 April 2011
*      Kontribusi dibayar selambat-lambatnya 1 April 2011 ke  Rek. BNI 0153969366 (Ari) atau di stan pendaftaran
*      Mohon dicantumkan biodata penulis pada makalah (lengkap dengan CP)

3. Kriteria Makalah Diterima
*      Seluruh data akan dievaluasi oleh panitia seminar dengan bantuan tim ahli.
*      Makalah disetujui untuk disajikan adalah yang relevan dengan tema seminar
*      Bukan dari makalah yang sudah ada  (plagiarisme)
*      Konfirmasi makalah diterima diumumkan pada 6 April 2011

Tanggal            : 13-31 Maret 2011
Hari                 : Senin- Jumat
Jam                  : 08.00-15.00 WIB
Tempat            : Dekanat FKIP UNIB

1.      Iniartini (0852 7360 2566)
2.      Satriyanti (0852 2165 9376)
3.      Marina Valentika (0856 6957  6684)
4.      Heryadi Fitriawan  (0813 7380 9888)
5.      Ari Ardiansyah (0853 6704 2724)

Bagi peserta yang membutuhkan penginapan dapat menhubungi panitia seminar. ( biaya penginapan ditanggung peserta)

1.   Peserta
Nama               :
Unit kerja        :
Alamat                        :
Hp                   :
2.   Pemakalah**
Nama               :
Unit Kerja       :
Alamat                        :
Hp                   :
Judul Makalah :